Dream of the Robert F Kennedy Funeral Speech and Getting Kicked out of my Maroubra Beach Flat

The RFK funeral speech was absolutely stunning. The Kennedy’s put it on the Internet and I listened to it many times. I wanted to write it down. And it was raining. And I was being kicked out of my flat at Maroubra Beach because Johan didn’t pay the rent $2000 in back pay.

I was in the beach tower for lifeguards with lifeguards but I wasn’t really allowed to be there. So I left the tower via the fire escape that wasn’t locked.

I walked back to my flat.

I met my friend Paul downstairs. I asked him if he had another flat for rent in the same building. He didn’t. He said he was selling mine.

My girlfriend was Asian. She came back from the lifeguard tower with me. She walked around the flat naked. Then lots of people came over. They lay down all around the room. I sat there looking at dust floating in rays of light.

‘Look at the dust,’ I said.

Then the people looked. And then they were gone.

‘In two days you’ve got to leave,’ Johan said. He was off –

By RFK I mean Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Bobby’s boy. My sketch kind of looks like him. The picture on the funeral card was profiled like the JFK Wanted for Treason poster.

And he’s WANTED all right. He’s absolutely hated by the establishment.

Before the pandemic all I knew about him was the cliché he’s an anti-vax nutter disowned by the family.

Then along came the corona.

Were it not for that my scientific prejudice, well entrenched and conditioned to defer to respective experts with relevant PhDs, would NEVER have allowed me to listen to RFK Jr.

But that prejudice you see is built upon a projection that all scientists are like me, that they don’t doctor their results. Yet this belies the truth, known to me by way of direct experience, that in my time I’ve seen my far share of fakers, fraudsters and liars.

That’s my subjective experience, but in government, in regulation, in agencies chartered to safeguard the interests of the people, surely there the standards are much much higher?

Then not long ago one of my neighbours, who works for one of those said agencies, told me that when approving pesticides they are explicitly told to ignore aerosols. Of course they’re organic molecules, I said. Kerosene mixed in with fresh fruit and veg. Great. Why didn’t I think of that?

Blindspots that’s what it’s much easier to live one’s life that way …

This reminds me of my student days. As per safety regulations I had to look up the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for all chemicals used in my laboratory experiments. I did it once or twice. Then screw it I thought why not make it up like the MSDS forms. I mean how many times did I have to read there is no adequate toxicity data and carcinogenic properties are undetermined to NOT get the picture?

That’s Kennedy’s beef.

The dude’s a champion. His dad left his mark. Implacable, ethical and morally strong, I can’t help but admire the man. I’d go so far as to call RFK Jr. a modern day archetypal hero. I listened to his podcast and was greatly impressed. His is a greater world where people really care about things and then actually do something about it. That doesn’t mean I agree with everything he says. Far from it. To vaccines and autism I say more studies please. To the decarbonised economy I say no way. But my words come cheap. His don’t. He has to overcome a speech impediment to speak his. In my book that makes his words more weighty than mine.

In regards to the ethics of Big Pharma his debate with Alan Dershowitz left its mark. I understood prior to RFK Jr. that the mRNA vaccines were under emergency use authorisation and that clinical trials were rushed at best and that I didn’t like that (April 2021 and November 2021). What I did not know was Big Pharma had blanket immunity from liability on vaccines since the mid 1980s and that these products were excused from placebo testing due to national security considerations because in the event of a biological attack the USA couldn’t wait the five or so years it would take to clear such tests.


And there I was naïve me thinking vaccines were on a level playing field with other pharmaceutical products. For Big Pharma it’s a license to print money. No downstream liability risk. No regulation. No placebo efficacy tests. And to top it off the regulators are in on the game too owning stakes in patents collecting income streams.

You don’t need to be a chemist to know this stinks.

Were it not for the corona I would have assumed like for like standards that RFK Jr. was a nutter and that regulators followed the science and served the interests of the people.

Grow up young man,

It’s all about profits dear boy profits.

I have these kinds of conversations with Johan. Johan’s on the RFK Jr. spectrum more so than me. I guess that’s why my unconscious tied them together. The dream was peppered with life in Maroubra both Johan’s and mine our deals and Far Eastern Tales. $2000. I really need to find a book on numerology. A definitive book. I remember seeing one in India in a big bookshop with vaulted ceilings and light blue walls. I hesitated. I didn’t buy it as per usual. Only sometimes I wonder that bookshop the memory is too strong does that mean I saw it in a dream? 2 means duality divided opinions Johan and I cannot find common ground apropos science and society in our time (January 2022). For instance Johan like RFK Jr. believes in the decarbonised economy. This will happen any which way climate change or no climate change by 2050 because by then the major oil fields will be depleted. My issue is with how we manage this change. I don’t want to call it a transition because the word transition implies that life will continue on uninterrupted. This is where I disagree with the consensus. Johan sees blue skies whereas I see dark clouds. How are we going to extract minerals, maintain roads, feed livestock, feed humanity, ship goods, power factories, truck goods, heat homes, electrify cities, fabricate semiconductors, forge metals, manufacture pharmaceuticals, make shoes, clothes too? One barrel of oil does the work of a hundred slaves. Only nuclear energy comes close to matching it. But even then that world would look radically different to the one we inhabit now. And anyway that’s off the table the decarbonisers want a clean green world powered by wind and solar. The only way that will happen is if we deindustrialise and become a scavenger society pulling down the past to recycle it into something new. And to that I say okay only that would be a much poorer world. More hard labour. More hard work. To that Johan says no. We can use our by-products intelligently and in harmony with the biosphere. Think Dutch agriculture, smaller communities, cyclical energy systems. And I agree that can work. In Holland. In small town America too. But not on scale. And not in the third world. They don’t have the cash or the capacity to implement such systems. A transition like that means billions would die. It also means the economic model that underpins our world would cease to be. Hooray says Johan money is fake get rid of it. But not in the third world. There they need money otherwise they don’t eat. The world order would fall apart. Johan would be happily plucking away in his community garden until that morning when a thousand marauding Africans appear on the horizon (October 2021).

I said to Johan if the world could not get together to stop a pandemic what chance do we have to achieve the transition a task a million times harder?


People don’t want to take a loss they’ll do everything possible to avoid pain extrapolate that to the governmental stratum they being the amplification of the collective mass there’s no way they’re gonna say listen up people we’ve got to take a dive go back in time to 1959. They’re gonna do everything possible to extend the lag. Then. Seneca’s cliff. The precipitous fall.

Saying that,

There is hope. Johan wants to do something about it. That’s important. Like I said one way or another that work will have to be done.

And then there’s RFK Jr. He stands for a civil society a society where integrity, truth and ethics matter. Without that civilisation is not worth saving.

So okay then,

Maybe 5%

What we need is RFK Jr. to be the lifeguard President not head knocker Joe Joe Biden (March 2020). That won’t happen. They made sure of that.

Dream of Electronic Fish Learning Artificial Intelligence and the Greek Girl I Wanted to Know

I was working for Max. I never knew I had a work group until I sat next to Warren from school one day in a maths lecture. I usually sat on the left side of the lecture theatre near the door whereas Warren always sat on the right.

Back in the lab I joined my work group. Among them was a Greek girl. I immediately liked her. She wore a cardigan and round glasses and had shoulder length hair that was slightly curled. I’d like to know her, I thought. I sat next to the talkative smaller girl. She was the Greek girl’s friend. She was explaining to me the electronic fish tank on the bench. Was it real? No, the fish were on TV. They looked like a 3D hologram and were semi-transparent. These fish were autonomous, electronic, learning artificial intelligence. A man, a scientist, said the fish tank was positioned so that the sun would rise to its left, the ocean side of the lab. The fish were being shown the light and the sea, their ultimate source.

Then we walked back to the lecture theatre.

Because I usually sat on the left side of the lecture theatre I felt ashamed and self-conscious to sit near Warren and the work group on the right side. But the Greek girl sat with them and I wanted to know her. Only I worried about changing my habit.

I ran into Mile en route to the lecture theatre in what looked like the QVB underground. Iain was there too.

‘Let’s go to lunch with Iain,’ I said.

While talking with Iain my group caught up with me. Among them was a guy with dyed blue hair. Was it? It was. Noam! He was kind of hiding not wanting to show his face. I wanted to hug him.

We all entered the lecture theatre together.

I’ve had lots of university dreams lately. This is the work of level 4 its endpoint being the reconciliation between the unconscious and the rational function (June 2020 and April 2021). When that happens I believe these dreams will disappear.

The fish were an illusion a holographic experiment the goal being artificial unconscious intelligence self-contained inside a TV box the great disseminator writ large of repressed content. AI is so one sided. The Googleplex believes life is 1’s and 0’s off and on point and click. They believe all things are knowable and controllable so of course they’d put the unconscious in an idiot box on a bench in a laboratory (August 2018). And teasingly the scientist placed the electronic fish by a window that looked out to sea. His intention was to get these fish thinking about their source.

Whereas I say the fish were in the wrong place they belong to the sea to the left the unconscious side in dreams (August 2021).

The rational was well represented in the dream; the lab, Max, the students, the scientist, the lecture theatre, mathematics, and Warren from school, his dad was German.

In the dream I was uncertain about this attempt at reconciliation. So I decided to join Warren on the right side the conscious side in dreams (August 2021). My motivation was the Greek girl I liked.

Only I worried about changing my habit

About becoming transparent

Like the fish inside the box …

At first I couldn’t see why the anima would take the form of a Greek girl. I drink Greek coffee every morning NOT TURKISH COFFEE BECAUSE TURKISH COFFEE IS POISON I WAS WARNED THE OTHER DAY. I listen to Greeks discussing politics. That’s about as far as my active engagement with Greece goes. A few days later the penny dropped. Effie. I haven’t thought of her in years. She was my teacher. She ran Max’s research group. She was generous, caring, baked great cookies and in stark contrast to her scientific occupation was very religious. She told me that one day the trumpets would sound and the four horsemen would come that’s when you’ll remember me. I was working in Austria when she sent me an email. Paul this is goodbye I’m leaving the university you will never see or hear from me again. That’s exactly what happened. The rumour was she entered a nunnery in Greece. No one knows. Simply put she disappeared.

In respect to the science-religion divide seen in Effie the anima I see by analogy the same divide inside of me. Science is rooted in consciousness. It seeks to explain observable phenomena. Whereas the unconscious and numinous go hand in hand. The God archetype resides somewhere inside there. Both sides conscious and unconscious are equal and opposite. Artificial Intelligence says put it in a box and delete what cannot be seen. Human beings seeking wholeness simply put cannot.

Maybe then those electronic fish represents the breaking through of unconscious numinosity within my learned scientific core like with Iain and his aquatic adventurisms (March 2019 and December 2019).

As for the other dreamtime characters Mile represents my kinfolk my family with Iain the shadow of that (August 2020).

Noam is not a mainstay in my dreamscape. That doesn’t mean I don’t miss him. I do. He aspired to play the clarinet in the Israeli Philharmonic. He gave up when he realised musicians don’t die. He became a scientist instead. He had blue hair like Martha’s boy. Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Therefore when I entered the Temple of Reason there was a cast of four: Warren the rational German, Noam the sensitive artist, Effie the spiritual anima, and Mile’s bundle of past and present.

I embraced the illusion. I am not afraid. All of them are unconscious in conscious me. We entered the theatre together happy and one.


Remember me

The end is nigh …

Dream of the Aggressive Ghost and the Two Men that Wanted to Kill the Woman who was Hitler

There was an aggressive ghost. It wanted me to wear the female paper crown leaving the Kingly crown for whom, him? No way. I shook my head. I felt my head move.

Later either she was like Hitler or was Hitler and she was down in the gully with me, as a woman, and they, two men, used their minds to blow up the gully intending to kill her. We ran alongside the crumbling rock face of the gully. Hitler was good at calculating the crumble rate and increased the incline of our run so that we remained just ahead of the falling boulders.

We made it out of the gully!

We arrived at a train station. We hid in a closet some twenty carriages away from where the guys who wanted to kill us would be staying.

Young girls entered the train. Many of them. We were well hidden. My sister was with me in the closet now. She started to talk.

I didn’t like that.

Then a conductor walked past our closet. While walking in between carriages he heard voices. Our voices. We’d be caught if my sister kept this up.

Seems I’ve made some dreamtime progress transitioning from Communism to Nazism (April 2022). Aren’t they the same thing YouTube says? NO they’re not.

Resist Americanism. Read.

But it’s hard. The ideology comes thick and fast on the nightly News. Ukraine stands with us the free fighting the good fight against the evil Putin the latest Hitler incarnate Mr Bad Guy American cardboard cut out villain like Saddam, Gaddafi, al-Assad, the second one. The heretic in me admires Bashar. He was an ophthalmologist living in London. Then fate played its hand and he had to return. His is the logic of a King. We in freedom land cannot understand this. In fact we resent it. Kings, real Kings, have to kill. It’s the downside of the job. In contrast we prefer our virtuous fantasy our crooks and thieves and their sweet sweet lies. I remember an interview Bashar gave to the BBC. The interviewer took him on about the immortality of barrel bombs. Bashar pushed back. He said a bomb is a bomb they kill people and all sides use whatever bombs they have so where’s the morality in that? I guess the interviewer wanted him to use virtuous bombs like the American made depleted uranium beauties that peppered Belgrade and Iraq.

If only he had signed a deal with General Dynamics then maybe just maybe the BBC would have gone easy on him.

Bashar had to fight the bloodiest of wars, a civil war, and I admire him for standing his ground. That takes courage. Ask Abe. And to be clear I’m not saying he’s a great guy or that his cause is right. Besides sanctification does not guarantee being liked. Again, ask Abe.

But the News beats on …

The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. Putin is Hitler. Flee. Flee. Get on that train to Lviv.

There is of course another seed all dreams being a nexus cathexis of several things. In times of war the censor works overtime. RT was taken down. So too was a documentary by Oliver Stone. On YouTube. Only Pravda made a mistake here. They forgot something called the Streisand effect.


I knew about the Orange Revolution. What I didn’t know was these guys are real fucking NAZIs. Who’s Hitler then Mr BBC? And to be clear once again I’m not saying Oliver’s right. When it comes to the CIA he’s a little paranoid. But come on BBC, do some research, C14 the fourteen words of David Lane, if that’s true then there’s something really rotten in the state of Denmark. Perhaps the BBC read the wiki stub and were satisfied with the Gippo explanation like that’s okay.


Like I said projection and war are partners in crime (March 2022).

And so my unconscious has been subsumed. By covid, the war, Ukraine, the Russians, the NAZIs, things that in so far as my daily experiential life is concerned exist only on the News.

The unconscious is feminine. And in that domain I’m no King. I’m a woman a coward worthy of at best a paper crown. All hail the News the King of my unconscious. There’s instability in there too. Valleys crumbled Sexy Beast style that boulder left its mark (June 2020) and two men with magical powers – allies perhaps the higher self amplified – wanted to kill the subsumed feminine with the Hitler moustache. The she-Hitler then became my sister a weird divertimento keep quiet otherwise that conductor will find me and send me to the Russian front. Conscription. They’re running away from that don’t know you. You won’t hear that on the BBC.

Stop it. Stop it. Don’t watch the News.

Dream of the Battle to the Death in a White Building and Capturing Fidel Castro using a Mirror Trick

A battle to the death with Fidel Castro and his number two in a government mansion. I was with a young girl and boy. That was our team. We were three and they were two. Three on two but they were more experienced than us.

The battle was coming.

Before the battle they were friendly. We shared food and drink. Spring onions were cut. Friendly words were exchanged but when the food was done they both left the room to get ready.

‘Let’s go,’ I said.

We went downstairs to a bathroom. The building and its interior were painting white. I locked the young ones in a closet with a mirror door. I had a plan. I wanted to trick Castro and his number two with my reflection in the mirror door. I would shoot at them from a blind corner, kill his number two and capture Fidel. Number two was a big guy, aggressive.

My plan worked. I got Castro!

I’m still fighting communists (April 2022). JT is the son of Castro according to some ridiculous conspiracy theory I have neither the time nor inclination to read about (July 2021 and April 2022). This makes the dream seed those Canadian Truckers. I heard this nonsense story when listening to right wing nuts saying hold that line. Field Commander Cohen was Canadian too. He was their most important spy. He urged Fidel Castro to come back to nothing special such as waiting rooms and ticket lines. I love that song especially those Greek flourishes. Mum got me on to him. She loves him. I like his later stuff. We saw him live on his farewell tour. That was something special. It was more an act of worship than a concert.


That’s how we get to the capture Castro mission.

3 on 2 no 4. 2 is ideology and that don’t work. I was 3, the boy the girl and me. Capturing Castro would make us 4 and therefore whole. To do that I used a good old fashioned Hong Kong cinema mirror trick. I’ve been watching old time Jackie Chan films on SBS lately. I love them. Drunken Master. Police Story. I shop at that Wing On.

And there was danger vis-à-vis the bathroom (February 2020) unconscious work is not risk free don’t you know.

I wonder if capturing Castro is all about capturing the spirit of Leonard Cohen. I liked his move to Hydra. I visited Hydra long before I heard of Cohen. It’s a really nice place. White homes. White walls. When he was there it was off the beaten track. I love the black and white photos on the following link from days long gone before telephone lines.


Cutting spring onions. I was cutting them for mum the other day. Was that a dream?